Barbie in a Mermaid Tale
Barbie in a Mermaid Tale (2010)

Barbie in a Mermaid Tale

(20 stemmen)




I think this movie was well made. It's got a fun adventure aspect and some nice characters.

The only thing that bothered me the most was that when Merliah was talking with her friends and Zuma at the beach and was angry about Oceana and her dreams of becoming a champion surfer and attempting to smash her necklace, it was really an ugly sight for me to see. It was a side of her I've never seen before which was why I do my best to avoid this scene.

Saya ingin nonton film barbie merliahjzhajakabvjzajsvakbskbsbajsvjsjsbjzjahakabjsakhsgxjshsbkzzbjsjzgakaj.

I give this a movie a 6.5.

I give this a movie a 6.5.

I have made no secret of liking the Barbie movies, they are not perfect and none of among my favourite movies, but they are cute and have a sense of fun. A Mermaid Tale is no exception.
